seperate e-mail accounts



We purchased a new computer with windows xp. It has
outlook. On our old computer we had outlook express.
Each family member had a seperate account and retreved
their e-mails by swithing identities. On this system
everyones e-mails are directed to one(the main account.
Is there a way to have seperate accountsas in express?


you should go to the tool button and go to email acounts. set up the various email accounts in your family, but when you or everyone open up outlook, your mail can be see by everyone.
the other option is to set up different users on your computer and then the outlook will feature different setting in outlook for each user.
hope this helps

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

No, it is not necessary to set up separate Windows logons. Just create
separate Outlook Profiles:;en-us;829918&Product=out2003

Russ Valentine
Andrew Schulman said:
you should go to the tool button and go to email acounts. set up the
various email accounts in your family, but when you or everyone open up
outlook, your mail can be see by everyone.
the other option is to set up different users on your computer and then
the outlook will feature different setting in outlook for each user.

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