Separating information in one cell into several cells




I have exported about 500 e-mails from outlook to excel. All of the e-mails
are the same. Here is a sample of what the exported information looks like
in Excel. Everything is in one field or cell and separated by two Enter key
strokes. Boxes which represent the enter key appear in excel as boxes but
did not show when I posted the data into this web page.

'Name: Chuck Wildeman

Address: 123 Main Street

City: Atlanta

State: GA

Zip: 30533

Is there a way to separate all of this data into separate field that all
appear in one row? So I would want it to look like the following:

Column B Column C Column D Column E Column F
Chuck Wildeman 123 Main St Atlanta GA 30533


Backup your data and try this on a copy...... using the Data > TextToColumns
feature with Alt 010 (using the KEYPAD for the numbers, NOT the keyboard) as
the delimiter........

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3



Thanks for your help. I am having trouble with your directions though. I
tried clicking on Date => Text to Columns and it brought up a wizard. I also
tried the Alt key and then 010 on the number pad with no results. I also
tried both selecting Data => Text to Columns and then the Alt Key plus 010 on
then number pad but that did not work either. Can you provide some more



Hi Chuck.....

I'll try to elaborate, however, I don't have Excel up and running here right
now so will have to try from memory.....
First, click on the header at the top of the column your data is in, to
highlight the entire column.....then in the menu at the top of the screen,
click on DATA, then click on TEXT TO COLUMNS, then check DELIMITED and on
the next screen check the OTHER box and with the cursor in that little
square next to OTHER, that is where you hold down the ALT button and type
010 on the KEYPAD (probably a little black square will appear in that small
window).....and you should see a sample of your data separated nicely in the
lower window of the pop-up.....then finish, or whatever, I don't remember,
but just follow the menu to finish up and that should do it.....if not, post
back and maybe someone else may pick it up, or I'll check again when I get
to work tomorrow.....

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3



It looks like this didn't work but thanks for your help. When I held the
Alt key and typed 010 into the box nothing appeared including the little
black square. I will post to the newsgroup again but thanks.


I just tried it on my Excel 97 here and it worked fine except the little
black square did not show up for me's the exact steps I

Highlight the column
Text to columns
Uncheck all delimiters
Check the OTHER delimiter
Place cursor in the little window next to OTHER
Hold down ALT and type 010 on the KEYPAD
Check box "Treat consecutive delimiters as one"

You're welcome to repost, of course, but this should do it for you.......

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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