Sending the state of a page via email




I have a page with several control on it. Each control could have several
states. I want to send an email that has a link in it and when user click on
that link, it redirected to my site and go that specific page and set the
state of all controls in a way that it displayed in the way that I wanted.
How can I do this?


Microsoft Newsserver

One way would be to use query strings at the end of the URL you send to your
users in the email.


in your controls, you can make use of the request.params["Controle1State"]
to decide how to manipulate the state of your controls.

Hope that helps.


Mark Rae said:
A simple way to do this, as has already been suggested, would be to use a

However, bear in mind a couple of things:

1) This would allow the recipient of the email to modify the QueryString,
which may mean that the controls are updated in an invalid way for the
particular recipient. E.g., if a URL looked like this:

it wouldn't take very much working out that changing admin=false to
admin=true might allow people to see parts of the site which they should
not see... OK, that's a bit of an extreme example, but you get the idea...

2) More and more people are configuring their email client not to display
hyperlinks in emails, or even to filter out any email which contains

Thanks for your reply,
So what do you sugest? I want to inform somebody that he should look at a
page. what is the best way?


Paul Shapiro

You could save the user's state in a db and restore those settings when the
user logs back onto the site. That way the email just has to include the
standard link to the site.

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