Sending erroor 0x80042109


Jess Wonderin

Sending erroor 0x80042109 is driving me CRAZY!! Being a good Microsoftee I
did the recommended recent upgrades to my XP Home and now GERRRRR! It seems
that FREQUENTLY on Send I get this error - sometimes the "08" variation - but
sometimes after several tries (minutes) it sends some or all. (I get
frustrated and delete the message and use my backup Hotnail . . .) NOTHING
has changed, same account, same server, same settings, same viris software -
any ideas ?? MS help was worthless . . .

Roady [MVP]

It might be the same to you, but we are clueless on what you are using in
terms of version of Outlook and type of mail account; you didn't tell us.
Also, what is the full error returned to you?

My guess; disable your virus scanner's integration with Outlook and try

Jess Wonderin

Roady -
If this helps - Outlook 2003 (11.8169.8172) with SP3, using Incomming POP3
port 110 and Outgoing SMTP port 23 on Concast HS Cable - has worked without
problems - just sent 3 messages, error as follows continued appearing - I
went on to other tasks on line and the messages did finely "go" - I assume
they were sent.

Task ' - Sending' reported error (0x80042109) : 'Outlook is
unable to connect to your outgoing (SMTP) e-mail server. If you continue to
receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service
provider (ISP).'

Do not have scan set to NOT scann outgoing. Using Avast


Roady [MVP]

Port 23 is not a valid port for SMTP traffic. The default port is 25. Port
23 is for Telnet.
Comcast is also known to support port 587.

Javier Cabal

I can receive but not send, im running outlook 2k3 sp3, using a standard
pop/smtp company email. im the only one with the problem. i have tried using
comcast, ATT, verizon same message! any ideas on what it could be! please
help!! thanks!!

Sal Amato

I'm using Outloook 2007, everything was until a few days ago, now i can't
send anything, gettin gthe error here (the 0x) so I googled that and found
this page on the net.

WTF is the fix here? I don't have all day to figure some gimp, half-assed
problem that some patch created, what is the fix? Any answers?

Thanks in advance,



Hi, did you ever get this resolved? Seems I am having the same problem. I use
Outlook 03 and a pop server as I work from home. I have vista. It has worked
fine for a year and half and after some updates suddently it won't send! I
have the same error you spoke of. I am at a loss and don't know what to do, I
am like you...GRRRRRRR! If you or anyone can advise me, I would GREATLY
appreciate it, it is making working from home a pain.

N. Miller

"Jess Wonderin" wrote:
Hi, did you ever get this resolved? Seems I am having the same problem. I use
Outlook 03 and a pop server as I work from home. I have vista. It has worked
fine for a year and half and after some updates suddently it won't send! I
have the same error you spoke of. I am at a loss and don't know what to do, I
am like you...GRRRRRRR! If you or anyone can advise me, I would GREATLY
appreciate it, it is making working from home a pain.

For as little information as has been provided, all that I can offer is


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