sending email to DL without recipients seeing ALL contact names



I receive emails that show a distribution list name in the "to" field, but no
individual names. I would like to do the same in Outlook. Without having to
put my distribution list in the "bcc" field, is there any NEW process
available to do the above in Outlook? It would be nice for my contacts to
know that they're part of a distribution list, rather than seeing no name in
the "to" field.


Exchange server allows the use of distribution lists from the GAL that can be
sent by DL name only, but if you're a standalone user, the closest you can
come to that is to create a new contact with your e-mail address and a
creative display name (like ABC Company Distribution List) and then put the
individual addresses in the BCC field. There also may be 3rd party programs
that will do what you want so you don't have to use your own e-mail address
in To.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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I'm not sure I understand how to set up the contact you described because
there is no bcc field when creating a new contact -or- DL for that matter.
Unless, you're saying that I create a contact with a creative display name,
and then on each email I send, enter the newly created contact name in the
"to" field and then enter my distribution list in the bcc field....a 2-step
process on each email??? Can you give me any 3rd party program names to
check into as well? Thx

Brian Tillman

moonunit said:
I'm not sure I understand how to set up the contact you described
because there is no bcc field when creating a new contact -or- DL for
that matter. Unless, you're saying that I create a contact with a
creative display name, and then on each email I send, enter the newly
created contact name in the "to" field and then enter my distribution
list in the bcc field....a 2-step process on each email???

The latter is what Jocelyn meant.


As Brian said, yes, it would be a two step process. If you want to see if
any 3rd party programs are available and worth the money to make it a
one-step process, look here:

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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Thanks! I get it now.

Jocelyn Fiorello said:
As Brian said, yes, it would be a two step process. If you want to see if
any 3rd party programs are available and worth the money to make it a
one-step process, look here:

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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