Sending an Email to Multiple Contacts


Sue C

I need to send a message to several recipients (about 20 or so), but want to
respect the privacy of all concerned by ensuring their email addresses aren't
shared between all of the other recipients.

I am reluctant to use the BCC option, firstly because I know a lot of
peoples' junk mail filters will automatically bounce this to Junk mail, but
also because it implies a level of 'secrecy' that could appear underhand. I
am happy for people to see that the message has gone to a distribution list,
but just don't want them all to be able to see each others addresses. Is
this possible?

Thanks. Sue

Brian Tillman

Sue C said:
I need to send a message to several recipients (about 20 or so), but
want to respect the privacy of all concerned by ensuring their email
addresses aren't shared between all of the other recipients.

I am reluctant to use the BCC option, firstly because I know a lot of
peoples' junk mail filters will automatically bounce this to Junk
mail, but also because it implies a level of 'secrecy' that could
appear underhand. I am happy for people to see that the message has
gone to a distribution list, but just don't want them all to be able
to see each others addresses. Is this possible?

Using Bcc implies nothing other than that you don't want recipients to see
each other's addresses. Don't read any more into it than warranted.

If you want something in the To field that reflects the DL name, create
another contact whose name is the same as the DL name, but assign your own
address to it. Put that contact in the To field and the real DL inthe Bcc

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