Send/Receives stops working after a few hours of use...



I have a client who uses Outlook 2003 as their primary email application.
They have been using this application with no problems for about 8-months.
Now, for no explanable reason, the Send/Receive function ceases to work after
the application has been running for a number of hours. It will work for
most of the day, then it stops.

I have performed a multitude of solutions, short of trying to migrate the
..pst file into a new user. The users .pst file is 1.66Gb (close to the 1.8Gb
limit). Through my investigation, I have noticed that when the Send/Receive
functions stops working, there are at least two, if not more, processes of
Outlook 2003 running under the Windows Task Manager. If I cancel all the
processes, then the application will then run normally.

I have gone to the Add-Ins feature of the application and killed the
Symantec 10.1 Add-In that was running in Outlook, but this hasn't helped.

Anyone have any ideas why the Send/Receive function stops working after
time, and why I discover multiple processes of Outlook 2003 (OUTLOOK.EXE)
running in the Window Task Manager? I really need to get this issue resolved
because the user relies on the Send/Receive function to work correctly, and
for it to perform automatic Send/Receive tasks, in a 10-minuted interval.

Anyone who could help would surely be appreciated...thanks


Try uninstalling Symantec completely, then run Detect/Repair
Are there any other com addins, or any other software intergrated with OL,
eg Fax, sync tools?
If multiple instances of outlook.exe exist in running processes then you
will have problems.
BTW an OL 2003 unicode data file does not have a 2gb size limitation, as did
the earlier version data files

Mike Grace

I have exactly the same problem. I am using Vista Home premium and Office 2003 - and One-Care Live as I got rid of Symantec before this problem happened.

Sometimes if I close all software and then open Outlook again it starts up - sometimes the only way to get Outlook working again is to do a restart. Then it works fine for a while then Send/receive stops working again.

I have no addins or extras attached to Office 2003 at all - a simple basic installation of Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook. I did a google search a while back and the only thing I found was someone saying it was related to a Windows Update, but if that was the case surely lots of people would have the same problem and I am finding it difficult to find any forum comments when I google it.

I have tried to work out how long it takes before send/receive stops but I can't find a common pattern at the moment - sometimes it seems to happen after an hour or so, sometimes I can go all day before it stops working.

Any ideas would be appreciated
Mike Grace

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