send mail with mapi message

  • Thread starter Jimena Borgonovo
  • Start date

Jimena Borgonovo

I have an aplication in visual basic 6.0 that send mails.
Now, I send the mails directly . I put message.send and the e-mail is sent
automatically. I want to create the mail but no send it, so the mail is open
and I am able to change in the outlook some details of the mail, am I
How can I do that?
Thanks in advance to anyone...


Not sure that i follow you - are you trying to just use the VB code to
hack the email together and then have it saved in drafts (or some other
folder) for future editing. This is ofcause possible but I am not sure
it is what you want.

Jimena Borgonovo

I wanted to create the email but not put it in the outbox automatically. But
I discovered how to do it
with message.send false

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