Send Email Timeout...


David Lozzi


I'm new to .Net 2.0... Getting

"System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: The operation has timed out"

on this script at the smtpClient.Send(msg) line

Dim msg As New MailMessage

msg.From = New MailAddress(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("ErrorEmailFrom")) 'set to (e-mail address removed)

msg.To.Add(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("ErrorEmailTo")) 'just my email address

msg.Subject = "Subject Text"

msg.IsBodyHtml = True

msg.Body = "<font face='arial'>This is a test</font>"

Dim smtpClient As New SmtpClient

smtpClient.Host = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("SMTPServer") 'the Ip is my local workstation. I can send emails fine from my .net 1.1 web applications. Tried with, my workstation IP and server IP


All of the ConfigurationManager lines I tried hardcoding the values in with no avail.



Did you install a firewall recently? WinXP firewall turned on?

Can you telnet localhost 25? What happens?

David Lozzi

I cannot telnet localhost, as a matter of fact, i cannot telnet to a known
mail server on port 25. I'm behind ISA 2004 and the rules are open for this
traffic. I don't even see the traffic hitting ISA. Grrrr...... it appears my
issue is outside ASP

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