"Send and Receive All" Fails



I have 2 mail accounts. I can do "receive all" and it works fine. I can do
a "send all" and it works fine. I can select each account individually and
it works fine. If I select "send and receive all" this message pops up.

Some errors occurred while processing the requested tasks. Please
review the list of errors below for more details.

The error window itself is empty. When I start up Windows Mail, things are
ok. New mail is downloaded without problem. I saw in an earlier posting
someone described the same problem and said that deleting the Microsoft
Communities folder solved it. I tried that but it made no difference.

Any ideas?

Gary VanderMolen

I'm making a wild stab in the dark here because your symptom
doesn't suggest a specific fix. Have you tried disabling your
antivirus program to see if that makes a difference?

Gary VanderMolen


This is getting weirder. I turned off spam protection, email protection and
instant message protection. (I have the McAfee product) It did make a
difference. Now when I "send and receive all" I get 3 errors:

An unknown error has occurred. Protocol: SMTP, Port: 0, Secure(SSL): No,
Error Number: 0x800C0148
An unknown error has occurred. Protocol: SMTP, Port: 0, Secure(SSL): No,
Error Number: 0x800C0148
An unknown error has occurred. Protocol: POP3, Port: 0, Secure(SSL): No,
Error Number: 0x800C0148

If I do "receive all" I get:

An unknown error has occurred. Protocol: POP3, Port: 0, Secure(SSL): No,
Error Number: 0x800C0148

If I click on the individual accounts it works fine.

If I do "send all" I woks OK.

After I reenabled all the anti-virus settings there was no change.


Gary VanderMolen

The erroneous "Port: 0" part shows that McAfee is still messing with your email accounts.

Gary VanderMolen


PRG said:
I have exactly the same problem.
I have no anti virus working away from Vista tools.
Error: 0x800C0148 is the same.
So any help would be fine.

If you don't quote the message you're responding to, many of the
frequent responders in this newsgroup will not see enough to
know what you've already been told. Most of the people who
can provide the answers do not read this newsgroup through
the web interface.

Many of us can offer more help after seeing the entire error message,
not just the error number. Right click on the error message and
copy all of it to your next message.

Gary VanderMolen

The "Port:0" error happens when the send process is unable to
retrieve the correct port number from the account data.
The cause for this is almost always interference from an
antivirus program. Which antivirus are you running?

Gary VanderMolen

Good to hear that the problem seems to be resolved.
That SMS Desktop program causes symptoms similar to
interference from a non-compatible antivirus.

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