Selection Failed


Fernando Ortiz

Hi Excel Experts:

I am working on a macro and find this

The CommandButton1 is in the sheet1 and when click on it, the code failed
and error 1004 apears

I dont't understand why.

This code is on the sheets1

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
RowEmpty = Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count + 1
Cells(RowEmpty, 1).Select
End Sub

Thanks a lot for any advice.


Fernando Ortiz

Don Guillett

I just tested with a regular button/shape and it worked just fine. I do NOT
like using the command buttons. Look at the forms tools for your button.

Ron de Bruin

Hi Fernando

If you use Excel 97? then

Change the takefocusonclick property to false of the button
This is a bug in Excel 97

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