Selecting Double Click on Value



On my list box (name is lstResults), when i double click it brings up a form
using the statement below.

DoCmd.OpenForm "EditRecord-SUW", , , "[ID] = 8", acFormEdit

The command above works, it brings up record #8. I would like to bring up
the actual record I double clicked on. Any help is much appreciated.


Steve Schapel


Do you mean this?...
DoCmd.OpenForm "EditRecord-SUW", , , "[ID] =" & Me.lstResults

Not sure why, but I would somehow intuitively avoid using the DblClick
event of a listbox. Would the After Update event serve your purpose
just as well, activated when you make the selection in the listbox?



try this:

DoCmd.OpenForm "EditRecord-SUW", , , "[ID] = " &
me.lstResults, acFormEdit

this is assuming that the bound column of the listbox is
your ID field

Warm Regards,
MVP Microsoft Access

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at
Have an awesome day ;)


Thanks for the After Update suggestion, I changed it.
I am getting a RunTime Error 2501 after clicking on the record.

Steve Schapel said:

Do you mean this?...
DoCmd.OpenForm "EditRecord-SUW", , , "[ID] =" & Me.lstResults

Not sure why, but I would somehow intuitively avoid using the DblClick
event of a listbox. Would the After Update event serve your purpose just
as well, activated when you make the selection in the listbox?

Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP
On my list box (name is lstResults), when i double click it brings up a
form using the statement below.

DoCmd.OpenForm "EditRecord-SUW", , , "[ID] = 8", acFormEdit

The command above works, it brings up record #8. I would like to bring
up the actual record I double clicked on. Any help is much appreciated.



I tried what you got below.

On the properties of the listbox

ControlSource = =[List of SUW]!ID
RowSourceType = Table/Query
RowSource = ListOfSUW (SQL Query for this is

SELECT [Sales & UW].[Last Name], [Sales & UW].[First Name], [Sales &
UW].Competitor, [Sales & UW].[Title/Segment], [Sales & UW].[Date of
Contact], [Sales & UW].ID
FROM [Sales & UW]
ORDER BY [Sales & UW].[Last Name];

I am getting the error "control can't be edited; it's bound to the
expression '[List of SUW]![ID]'

strive4peace said:

try this:

DoCmd.OpenForm "EditRecord-SUW", , , "[ID] = " & me.lstResults, acFormEdit

this is assuming that the bound column of the listbox is your ID field

Warm Regards,
MVP Microsoft Access

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at
Have an awesome day ;)

On my list box (name is lstResults), when i double click it brings up a
form using the statement below.

DoCmd.OpenForm "EditRecord-SUW", , , "[ID] = 8", acFormEdit

The command above works, it brings up record #8. I would like to bring
up the actual record I double clicked on. Any help is much appreciated.


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