Selected Node in Treeview



Im sure I have asked this before, but I cant find my post....

Is it possible to get the position of a selected node within its parent?

e.g. Parent has 10 nodes and the 6th one is selected. I want to display on
my form "Selected Node = 6/10".



In Answer to my own question.

I have found the solution at

Here is my lovely new piece of code to tell me which node is currently
selected. Basically, it uses the Node.Next command and a couple of variables
to get the required values (Total and currently selected).

With Forms!zSYS_frmWorkflow

Set otv = .xTree.Object

Dim aNode As Node
Dim intNodeCount As Integer
Dim intCurNode As Integer

Set aNode = otv.SelectedItem.Parent.Child

Do Until aNode Is Nothing
intNodeCount = intNodeCount + 1
If aNode.Selected = True Then intCurNode = intNodeCount
Set aNode = aNode.Next

End With

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