Select records from 6 combo boxes



I am in urgency to create a form having 6 combo boxes on it which is
supposed to select data from a table containing a huge data. I want to add a
click button to run select query based on combo box selections?
Can anyone help me treating me fresh in Access database

Al Campagna

Let's say your form is called frmCriteria, and on that form you have one
combo box called cboCity. cboCity will provide the City criteria for a
In your query, the criteria for your City field would be...
Like Forms!frmCriteria!cboCity & "*"

If you select New York, only New York records will be returned.
If you leave cboCity blank, all cities will be returned.

Now, just use that same logic to set up other combos on your form. For
example cboState, or cbo Country, etc... etc...
Al Campagna
Microsoft Access MVP

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