Select cells in a column



I need to select all the cells in Column K that have a value. It starts with
K3 and can be any number of cells below, but there are never blank cells
mixed in - its always consecutive. Here is what I have. It works, but seems
"sloppy" for lack of a better word:

w, 11)).select

Is there a way to refer to the last used cell in column K without using the
Cells method? Meaning a literal way such as:

Range("k3",ActiveSheet.Range("K65536").End(xlUp).Row, K) Obviously this
doesn't work, but I was looking for something without using the numeric
index of the column.


Norman Jones

Hi Evan,

Is there a way to refer to the last used cell in column K without using the
Cells method? Meaning a literal way such as:

Simply replace the column number with the correspondinf column letter in
your expressions.

For example, the expressions cells(1,4) and cells(1,"D") are completely

Alan Beban

Evan said:
I need to select all the cells in Column K that have a value. It starts with
K3 and can be any number of cells below, but there are never blank cells
mixed in - its always consecutive. Here is what I have. It works, but seems
"sloppy" for lack of a better word:

w, 11)).select

Is there a way to refer to the last used cell in column K without using the
Cells method? Meaning a literal way such as:

Range("k3",ActiveSheet.Range("K65536").End(xlUp).Row, K) Obviously this
doesn't work, but I was looking for something without using the numeric
index of the column.

Set rng = Range("K1")
Range(rng(3), rng(rng(65536).End(xlUp).Row)).Select

Alan Beban

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