Select All Style button grayed out



Problem: In the Styles and Formatting Task Pane, the "Select All" button is
grayed out. The "Select All " option in the drop down menu for every style
is followed by "Not Currently Used"

- Running Word 2003 SP1 on XP OS
- This is a machine-specific issue - documents that are a problem on my
machine, when accessed via word on another machine, do not cause the Select
All to gray out. So I think it's a setting somewhere.
- This is an issue with all default word styles (like heading 1, heading 2,
heading 3 -- even normal) and custom styles.
- I have deleted and allowed Word to generate a new one
- I have created documents in a custom template from another machine that
has the feature enabled -- it's still diabled on mine.
- I have disabled all add-in templates with no effect on the issue
- I am working in the main text layer of the document (not header/footer
like the previous thread that had a similar problem)
-- I upgraded from XP to 2003 with no effect.

Does anyone have a clue to what could be causing this feature to be
disabled? I'll be so impressed and grateful if you know ...

Thanks, Jen

Suzanne S. Barnhill

To use this option you must have "Keep track of formatting" enabled on the
Edit tab of Tools | Options.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

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all may benefit.

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