Seeking Advice on MVC Synchronization



Following the advice of several of you on here (Thank You All!) I've
successfully constructed a Model-View-Controller (MVC) implementation. It
works great! Now, whenever the user manipulates one of the standard controls
- ie. clicks a checkbox, selects a radio button, changes text in a textbox,
etc. - the corresponding Property values in the Model are automatically and
instantly changed!

But I do have a question. When a radio button is pressed or a checkbox is
checked or unchecked it makes complete sense to instantly reflect the change
in the Model. But I'm not so sure whether I should be making these same
"instant" changes with each character change of the TextBox. Should I or
should I just wait until the user exits the textbox?

I realize that an instant response is "it all depends" but I'd like to get
feedback from developers who have had a similar circumstance before and am
wondering how they handled it.


Robert Werner
MW Technologies
Vancouver, BC

Radek Cerny

Firstly well done on deciding to use the MVC model. The answer is pretty
simple in my mind - always do it on commit of a change, that is on lose
focus. Also, I assume this is a Winforms implementation, so the
character-at-a-time metaphor does not map to a browser deployment.

FYI, interesting whitepaper on software development that has total
separation of presentation from business layer (and more):


Thanks, Radek. Moving from the VB6 universe I didn't realize how difficult
it ended up being (read "steep learning curve") but now that I've done it I
feel a lot better about C# and dotNet in general. Powerful stuff!

I'll read your paper shortly.

Thank you again,

Robert W.

Radek Cerny

Robert, be careful to not mistake or confuse good design with OOP and code
reuse. OOD is whats important - Object Oriented Design. Think OO, draw
lots of pictures and clarify what goes where BEFORE a mass coding exercise.
OOP and code reuse are by-products of OOAD, and luckily c# gives pretty much
all you need to implement good OO design (except one major flaw - in my mind
anyways - no multiple inheritance or MI).

You'll probably think you've done a good job, but 6 months later realise a
much better way, and rebuild. Third generation will be great, 4th gen will
be fantastic and there may not be a 5th generation. By then however, you
will be extremely productive and your design artefacts will be far more
valuable than your code, so a rebuild will be not that painful.

Very powerful stuff indeed....

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