Security update



Every time I log on, I get the message that the security update for Flash
Player wants to be installed. I follow the instructions and at the end of the
process am notified that it could not be installed. This happens evey time.
Have tried to call Microsoft, but could not get help there. The flaw that
needs to be fixed came with the prvious update for Service Pack 2. I am
concerned since this security problem is described as being a serious one.
Can someone please help?

Thank you.


I wouldn't consider myself computer savvy however, I had a similar problen
downloading flash player. It was related to my installation of Explorer 7.
I reinstalled Explorer 6 and it download fine. Then I installed Explorer 7


Help! I'm snookered. I've tried all the above suggestions: removed IE(7) via
'add/ remove programs / windows components" but even so, Windows says I can't
install IE6 because "I have a more recent IE version"; I have latest Flash
Player 9.0.28 but still the "Security Update for Flash Player KB923789" won't

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