Secure Server links in Word



I have a link in my word document to a secure server (an https:// link). It
works fine when I click it from my document in Word, but when I post it to my
server as an html file it tries to like to "localhost" rather than the full
URL. Any ideas about what I am doing wrong. The other links to non-https://
URLs work fine.


"localhost" is your own computer. You may need to put in the IP address of
the server you are trying to connect to.


Tim: Thanks for the response. I tried typing the IP address in, but it just
changes it to "localhost" when I save it as a web page. This is not the case
with links that are http://..., but only for https://.... Also, if it makes
a difference, I am using Word for Mac.

Herb Tyson [MVP]

You might want to try posing your question in one of the Mac groups. A lot
of us here could probably help with Windows issues, but Macs are totally
foreign to many of us.

Daiya Mitchell

You'll find the Mac groups here:

See here for Google/Entourage gateway to newsgroups for MacWord, MacExcel,
and other MS programs for the Mac:

Unfortunately, you might not get a better answer than "don't use Word for
web pages." It's very difficult to troubleshoot Word web pages, because
Word uses a proprietary and somewhat-hidden process to create html
documents. I do believe that process may be somewhat different on the Mac
than on Windows.

For .htm documents, you can use View | HTML in Word to do some minor
troubleshooting. Looking at the actual code that Word created for the link
is probably a good start. I don't know whether you can edit that code in
Word or not--I would suppose so.

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