Section Breaks interfering with my page numbers



I have a document that has a number of section breaks in (due to some pages
changing from portrait to landscape). The problem is that the page numbering
changes when the section break appears - Up to page 38 is fine then it has a
landscape page with a section break and that is numberd 34? This happens
throughout the document.

Can anybody help!!!

Stefan Blom

Place the cursor in the section where the page numbers change. On the
View menu, click Header and Footer. Word moves the cursor to the
header and displays the Header/Footer toolbar. Click the Format Page
Number button. Select the "Continue from previous section" option and
click OK.

For more about page numbering, see

For more about sections, see

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message
news:[email protected]...


I tried that but it didn't work!!!

The only way I seem to have solved it is by going to the page where the
number changes and going to insert - page numbers - start at - and putting
the number I wanted in. I had to do this for the whole document. We have
had this problem before and no doubt will have it again so if you have any
more suggestions I would be grateful.

The only other thing I can think that the problem is (but doubt it very
much) is that the document has been emailed to a few people before it comes
to me before it is formatted, I don't know if this has effected it in any way.

Also when the document is printed out (100 page doc) one of the pages prints
upside down - this has happend to a previous document - any suggestions?

Stefan Blom

If you look at the status bar, where the section number is listed, is
there an indication that the document has more than two sections? Note
that if a section is limited to part of a page (which might happen if
that part is formatted in columns, say), you won't be able to access
its header and footer, in which case you cannot open the Page Number
Format dialog box via the Header/Footer toolbar. The dialog box can
still restart page numbering, though. If you find any additional
sections, switch to Normal view, where it will be easier to see them.
Place the cursor in each of the sections found and choose Insert>Page
Numbers. Click Format. Verify that "Continue from previous section" is
selected, click OK, and then click Close to close the Insert Page
Numbers dialog box.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message

Stefan Blom

Stefan Blom said:
If you look at the status bar, where the section number is listed,
there an indication that the document has more than two sections?

Clarification: there an indication that the document has at least one
additional section between the ones that you can easily identify
(because of the change in orientation)?


It has worked now! thanks a lot, this will save a lot of time in the future.
Who would have thought page numbers could be this difficult!

Cheryl Cavanaugh

Mr. Blom, I have the same problem, but I'm in Word 2007. I've tried your
suggestion, switching to "outline" since I don't see a "normal" view option
anymore (did in 2003) and indeed, I have a page with where two section breaks
occur. I placed my cursor in between those section breaks, formatting the
page to "continue" instead of start at 1, but it did not change the following
page (pages went 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4 (page 3 had the section breaks).

Following your suggestions below did not do the trick.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

FWIW, Normal view is still available in Word 2007, but it's now called
Draft, and it's the last (rightmost) of the View icons on the status bar.

Cheryl Cavanaugh

Thanks for your help, that makes sense, but either Outline or Draft will show
you section breaks right? You're just letting me know the difference and not
telling me that by somehow using "Draft" my page numbering problem will be

Suzanne S. Barnhill

No, my reply was not an attempt to answer your question or solve your
problem, just to reassure you that "Normal" view still exists. It was
renamed because most users considered Print Layout view the "normal" view
and often described it as such. "Draft" better represents the use of this
view, which actually has been made *less* useful than before because it is
not as WYSIWYG even as it was. I used to do almost everything in
Normal/Draft view, but I've now come to appreciate Print Layout view with
"white space" hidden, which gives the same uninterrupted view of the
document but also shows the actual layout.

In your case, if you have a section that begins and ends in the middle of a
page, you're actually in a better position than you would have been in
earlier versions because you can more easily access the Format Page Numbers
dialog from the document body (Insert | Header and Footer | Page Number |
Format Page Numbers with the insertion point in the problem section).

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