Secondary page numbering using field codes



I have a large Office 2000 Word document with 240 pages plus a 50 page Annex
which is an exact reproduction of another published document which, of
course, has its own page numbering. I want to number the annex with two page
numbers, the first consecutive from 240, and the second using the numbering
from the original. This way I can include the Annex index as published. The
two numbers are in a moderately complex header with the normal part in Arial
and the Annex header in Times Roman. Now I can start the second pseudo page
numbering using field codes:


and that sort of works AOK.

Three questions.

When I update the field code the numbering is AOK but I cannot get it into
the right font type (Times Roman 11 point cf Arial 12 point for the normal
page numbering). If I select the field and try setting it with Font size then
it flashes the size I want before defaulting back to Arial about 8 pt. The
Page Number style (which it shows as being) is set up as Times Roman 11 pt. I
have not been able to set a new page numbering style. So how do I get the
correct font?

As far as I can see the –1 in the equation should be +1. It seems that the
Alt-F9 to see the field codes is enough to change the page numbering by 2,
hence PAGE is 2 more than it should be. Is there any way of avoiding this
inconsistency and not having to fudge the number?

After editing the main document, even if the page numbering does not change,
then the calculated number does seem to change and this is only corrected by
updating the field. Is it possible, and is it sensible, to auto calculate the
field? It is a pain to remember and it takes a minute or so.

The last two issues are not critical, just a pain in the neck!

Any help will be appreciated.

Graham Mayor

To cure the font issue lose the three \*mergeformat switches and change the
last one only to \*charformat. Then format the field as you want it to
Calculated fields in a header will not automatically update. The simplest
solution is to add an update macro to a toolbar button - see

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>


Thanks for solving the problem - I was part way there but you saved me a lot
of trial and error, and time.

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