Searching HTML Files?



Ok two questions:

1. Does anyone know of a way for Excel to automatically update stock
quotes in it's cells. Basically this is what I want to achieve:
There's a Cell called "stock quote" and that cell would always contain
the most recent stock quote for a company. I would then use this
number to perform financial analysis.

2. Also, this might relate to Q#1. Is there anyway for Excel
functions to search the text inside websites/HTML files? I am familiar
with VBA, but not Excel. I would like a cell, using If statements, to
say "True" if it has the string "Hewlett Packard" and false if it does
not. That's a hypothetical example. Can Excel do this?


in Access; right-click LINK files of type = HTML

then you can LINK to a HTML table and treat it just like a normal table

if your data isn't in a simple table; then you need to download it via
ServerXmlHttp or some component like that

parse it and look for the strings that you need.

in general; if you are going to build a tool like this; you should have
a backend with a future; not some crappy XLS format


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