searching for two apps...




I am currently searching for 2 freeware apps which will do the following
(one app for one feature of course :):

1. I have a webpage with email addresses (user list i made long time ago in
HTML file).
I would like to retrieve all the e-mail addresses from that document and
list it or save as a txt file (only addresses).

2. I am searching for an app which will automatically send an e-mail message
(a notification) to a specified e-mail every hour (or on a specified
interval like 1h, 2h, 1d, etc.)...

Do You know any freewares which can do the following?
Thanks in advance.

Gerard Bok

2. I am searching for an app which will automatically send an e-mail message
(a notification) to a specified e-mail every hour (or on a specified
interval like 1h, 2h, 1d, etc.)...

Blat. And let Window's scheduler do the schedule part :)


Blat. And let Window's scheduler do the schedule part :)
I downloaded and configured Blat. Cool tool but i cant get it working with
Windows Scheduler.
I can only run it from command line and create a functional shortcut with
parameters, but Scheduler just cant support it.
It says it cant start it.


Gerard Bok

I downloaded and configured Blat. Cool tool but i cant get it working with
Windows Scheduler.
I can only run it from command line and create a functional shortcut with
parameters, but Scheduler just cant support it.
It says it cant start it.

It can :)

Create a batch-file. Like:
Blat message.txt -to (e-mail address removed) -pw secret -noh2

Schedule the batch to be executed.


Byru said:

I am currently searching for 2 freeware apps which will do the following
(one app for one feature of course :):

1. I have a webpage with email addresses (user list i made long time ago in
HTML file).
I would like to retrieve all the e-mail addresses from that document and
list it or save as a txt file (only addresses).

2. I am searching for an app which will automatically send an e-mail message
(a notification) to a specified e-mail every hour (or on a specified
interval like 1h, 2h, 1d, etc.)...

Do You know any freewares which can do the following?
Thanks in advance.
Email Extract from Ixis Research will satisfy #1 request


I downloaded and configured Blat. Cool tool but i cant get it
working with Windows Scheduler.
I can only run it from command line and create a functional
shortcut with parameters, but Scheduler just cant support it.
It says it cant start it.

You might try nnCron lite. I use it for scheduled tasks and just turn
off the built-in Windows thingy. It's pricelessware.


Susan Bugher

Al said:
Byru wrote:
Email Extract from Ixis Research will satisfy #1 request

aka Mystery of the day. . . why did they do this?

The last time I looked Extract Emails by Ixis (615k zip) was here:

That app is no longer listed there but something else is. . .
Same web page, same download link, same file name.
Different description, different program name:
Email Subscriber (713 KB).

FWIW. . .

This is the first result when I Google for "Ixis Research":

"SoftHeap.Com is a software shop of SWREG, Inc. created by Ixis Research
LTD in 1999."

Googling for "software shop of SWREG, Inc. created by Ixis" turns up
more Ixis sites.

dunno what's going on but I think a little caution is in order. . .

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Henry The Mole

Hello, Byru!
You wrote on Sun, 26 Feb 2006 15:47:19 +0100:
1. I have a webpage with email addresses (user list i made long time
ago in HTML file).
I would like to retrieve all the e-mail addresses from that document
and list it or save as a txt file (only addresses).

What about Text Bomber?

Kindly regards.


aka Mystery of the day. . . why did they do this?

The last time I looked Extract Emails by Ixis (615k zip) was here:

That app is no longer listed there but something else is. . .
Same web page, same download link, same file name.
Different description, different program name:
Email Subscriber (713 KB).
Yes, I didnt find it either ;]
But i found a command line tool which did the same job for me:

Email Extractor 1.21

Well webpage says it costs 15$ but it is a command line tool and it
extracted every email from the document ;]


Susan Bugher

Byru said:
But i found a command line tool which did the same job for me:

Email Extractor 1.21

Well webpage says it costs 15$ but it is a command line tool and it
extracted every email from the document ;]

says it's 15 day Trialware. . .
their top DL link redirects to an earlier free version:
Email Extractor 1.0
License Free

Their home page is here:
Bysoft Data AB.
"English page - Sureshot Software]"

There's another app with a similar name - screen shots show a GUI -
AFAIK it doesn't have a home page:

Program: Email Extractor FREE Edition
Author: Francesco Casi
Ware: (Freeware)
(92 KB)

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Susan Bugher

Henry said:

I think we're fishing in murky waters. . . ;) more mystery. . .
966 KB (starting install produced "Text Bomber 2000")

Program: Text Bomber
Author: MTI Software (Niles Bentley)
Ware: (Registerware)
2193 KB (starting install produced no version info)

I believe both sites are owned by the same company/person. no version
info on either site. . . I'm wondering about the big difference in
size. . .

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Susan Bugher said:
I think we're fishing in murky waters. . . ;) more mystery. . .

Glad it was you, not me, who braved working out the web part of this.
The gleeful spammer links that come up when Googling these types of
software, it gets me reaching for the barf bag.

Like you, I didn't run these. What I did was extract the programs from
their installers, enough to get them separated by version and such.

Date: 2000.07.06
File Version:
(c) Microsys Technologies, Inc.
Program: Text Bomber
Author: MTI Software (Niles Bentley)
Ware: (Registerware)
2193 KB (starting install produced no version info)

Text Bomber.exe
Date: 1999.06.27
File Version:
(c) Microsys Technologies, Inc
I believe both sites are owned by the same company/person. no version
info on either site. . .

Yes, same company in the file properties copyright.

I noted a significant change between the two releases: The older one is
visual basic, whereas the newer, it was written with Borland Delphi.
I'm wondering about the big difference in size. . .

That older one, the 2+ mb download, it is distributing VB runtimes. Such
as msvbvm60.dll -- which is over a meg by itself, as you know (all freeware
fans have been forced to download that file 435,000 times). Or another
megger, mscomctl.ocx. I didn't test, but I'd not be surprised if this
was one of those installer routines that sloppily overwrites one's runtimes
with those in the package.

Oh, and the app also has in its pile a couple of third-party OCX's, for
lots of extra registry bloat. Plus too there seem to be compile-time files
(.oca, .lib, .exp), which I'd venture were just left in by accident, by a
beginner programmer.

In short, I'd say one should choose the newer prog of these two. Strictly
judging from externals, that is; I've not actually launched these, so not
proclaiming it a good bunny or anything.

That second package, after extract, all that's involved is a 535k exe
plus a 35k .hlp. Much cleaner compared to the first mess.

.. . . .
Btw, regarding extraction here, tools let me bypass the installers:

The older 2mb download file, it was packaged with the Wise installer,
and for that E_WISE (a commandline tool) did the job for me nicely.

That other file was trickier, it was locked up a bit, seemed like, so
I unhappily had to submit to launching the installer. InstallShield
started up, and I let it proceed to that point where it makes a temp
directory for one to grab up. Then I terminated InstallShield (reqs
an external process viewer to actually truly kill all that disgusting
prog's threads). Then I chose the largest file of the temp dir, here
_SETUP.1, and handed it to Snoopy's Winpack (a gui frontend for a
set of InstallShield unpackers).

Speaking of unpackers, I was appreciative of the recent thread here,
the link posted by Mario Alvares for "Universal Extractor."

I haven't actually explored that yet, but have strong curiosity to look at
whatever interface and integrations it's set to offer. (I went to download
it, and did so, but then starting clicking links, and reading, and clicking,
and, you know, nature of the www ...)

Susan Bugher

Glad it was you, not me, who braved working out the web part of this.
The gleeful spammer links that come up when Googling these types of
software, it gets me reaching for the barf bag.

A page like this one? ;)

Purchase Desktop Server Gold Package and receive the anonymous Desktop
Proxy addon (normally $199) at no additional charge. This allows you to
send email through anonymous proxies and your ISP will never get
complaints! Port 25 is not needed when using this addon either (many
ISP's have closed access to this port now). You will also receive 57
million bulk email addresses, one year of phone support, and all our
other free bonuses listed below.
Like you, I didn't run these. What I did was extract the programs from
their installers, enough to get them separated by version and such.
Date: 2000.07.06
File Version:
(c) Microsys Technologies, Inc.
Text Bomber.exe
Date: 1999.06.27
File Version:
(c) Microsys Technologies, Inc
In short, I'd say one should choose the newer prog of these two. Strictly
judging from externals, that is; I've not actually launched these, so not
proclaiming it a good bunny or anything.

A thousand thanks for all the info. :) :) :) I'll show the URL for the
newer version per your suggestion.

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Susan Bugher said:
omega wrote:

A page like this one? ;)

Uhhhh, thanks a lot. 8-0

send email through anonymous proxies and [...]
You will also receive 57 million bulk email addresses [...]

In the Aliens movies, there are satisfying scenes where Sigourney takes
a fire gun and incinerates the monsters right in their maggot-pod nests.
If I were to play arcade-style video games, what'd I want would be one
where the vermin you get to destroy represent nests of dirty little
spammers. Hmm, maybe I'll queue that for an acfg request. Extra violence
a big plus. (Wonder what would be a good sound file for a spammer creature
on the moment of its demise?)


Susan Bugher said:
A thousand thanks for all the info. :) :) :) I'll show the URL for the
newer version per your suggestion.

Nichts zu danken. :) Probably noticeable that I liked in itself the
exercise in installer extraction.

Susan Bugher

omega said:
Susan Bugher <[email protected]>:
send email through anonymous proxies and [...]
You will also receive 57 million bulk email addresses [...]
In the Aliens movies, there are satisfying scenes where Sigourney takes
a fire gun and incinerates the monsters right in their maggot-pod nests.
If I were to play arcade-style video games, what'd I want would be one
where the vermin you get to destroy represent nests of dirty little
spammers. Hmm, maybe I'll queue that for an acfg request. Extra violence
a big plus. (Wonder what would be a good sound file for a spammer creature
on the moment of its demise?)

Maybe "slurp", "crunch, crunch, crunch". Course you'd need a critter
with a cast iron stomach to do the deed. . .

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Susan Bugher said:
omega wrote:

Maybe "slurp", "crunch, crunch, crunch".

That sound makes me think of cockroach shell being crunched up...apt
representation for spammers.
Course you'd need a critter with a cast iron stomach to do the deed. . .

Well, I get the impression dogs eat about anything. One I know slurps down
flies, which leaves one with a rather indelible impression especially when
its owner says, "Ah, look how cute, she wants to give you a puppy kiss."

But then dogs don't have cast iron stomachs. Ok - I nominate something like
a dragon lizard, say that big komodo dragon creature, for the deed. And it
would fit into how I prefer nature's workings: when the eating is down the
food chain (spammers being lower lifeforms than reptiles).

Susan Bugher

That sound makes me think of cockroach shell being crunched up...apt
representation for spammers.
Well, I get the impression dogs eat about anything. One I know slurps down
flies, which leaves one with a rather indelible impression especially when
its owner says, "Ah, look how cute, she wants to give you a puppy kiss."

But then dogs don't have cast iron stomachs. Ok - I nominate something like
a dragon lizard, say that big komodo dragon creature, for the deed. And it
would fit into how I prefer nature's workings: when the eating is down the
food chain (spammers being lower lifeforms than reptiles).

Maybe one of the span filter programs could implement that. . . a
little imaginary revenge while getting rid of the latest mounds of spam
would be some satisfaction for the soul. . .

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