Search on Form



I have a form that is used to enter patient data. At the end of each month,
a large amount of new data is entered on each patient. Currently, there is a
button on the form that brings up the "generic" Find and Replace box. Since
it is easiest to enter new data in alphabetical order by last name, the Find
and Replace box is used to find patients by using this pattern:
Find What: A*
Look In: Last Name
Match: Start of Field
Search: All

The Find and Replace box brings up patients' last names that begin with "A",
but they are not in alphabetical order, but they appear in the order they
were entered into the database. So we end up cycling back and forth to be
sure we entered all data for patients whose last name starts with A...before
we go to B and etc.
My question is if there is a way to bring patient data up, one-by-one, in
alphabetical order based on last name?
Thank you for any help or suggestions...


Your form is based on a table. Create a new query that includes all the
fields in that table and sort ascending on last name. Open your form in
design view, open properties, go to the Data tab and change the recordsource
property to your new query.

PC Datasheet
Providing Customers A Resource For Help With Access, Excel And Word
(e-mail address removed)


Kathy, you didn't indicate your level of expertise with Access. Are you able
to open your form in design view?
Do you know if the name of your database ends in .mdb ?
This will let us know if it can be done by you at all, and if it can, where
we can start.
If it can be done, it will be pretty simple.



Thank you very much...your solution worked perfectly.
(sorry it took me so long to respond...couldn't find my thread)


Thank you for helping me...I was able to do the solution as offered by Steve
(see previous thread) although I am still pretty much a novice :)

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