Search function crashes explorer



I have many PC's on network. Recently search function began crashing explorer
upon first use of the function. Usually, after the first crash, search works
fine until pc is rebooted. Then first search crashes explorer again. I have
installed the .ini file from the inf folder. I have created and modified the
reg key 'UseSearchAsst' to 'no'. The issue does not present itself until pc
is connected to network. Without network cable, search works fine. I placed
entry in Hosts file pointing to This took care of
smaller issue of 'My Computer' hanging for 40 seconds in Task bar upon
closing, but search function still crashes. It seems as if it is looking
for a file online first, and maybe because of proxy server can't find it,
then crashes. Then after first failure, it searches local. After first
failure, it usually is ok. Have issue on clean XP sp1 and sp2 install with
nothing on it, as soon as it attaches to network. any ideas?

Mark L. Ferguson

Show the hidden files and folders Rightclick C:\Windows\Inf\srchasst.inf Click install. The required file is in ../I386 folder on
the XP CD


Thanks Mark.....I had tried that.......didn't work. That was my meaning in my
original post saying I installed the inf file from inf folder. Any other
ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again


Appreciate the help, this is what i found. If I disable our proxy settings,
the search function works fine. The entry into hosts file, then resolves
issue of Search window 'hanging' after closure. However, we must use our
proxy. So, I researched the reg entry fix again, discovered I had entered as
'UseSeachAsst' instead of 'Use Search Asst' with spaces. Once I used the
entry with spaces, the fix seemed to work. I will test a bit more, but think
we will push this reg entry to all our PC's. Thanks for the responses.

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