Search for files on XP



Can Windows XP search do the following?

Once you find documents with a keyword, can you search another keywords
from the result of your first search?

Can it do keyword A AND keyword B; keyword A OR keyword B?

Are their 3rd party programs that can do better job? Can Google Search
do that? I installed a while back but I hate the spaces it takes to
index files. If it can do the ones I need, maybe I will give it another

Thanks for the help,



liu said:
Can Windows XP search do the following?

Once you find documents with a keyword, can you search another
keywords from the result of your first search?

Can it do keyword A AND keyword B; keyword A OR keyword B?

Are their 3rd party programs that can do better job? Can Google Search
do that? I installed a while back but I hate the spaces it takes to
index files. If it can do the ones I need, maybe I will give it
another try.

Try the free Agent Ransack. I put it on all my Windows machines.


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