Search for approach for a web app to help with part-number classifications


Larry Rekow

I've built various web apps using Frontpage and/or ASP and Access, but
now I'm trying to figure a way to do the following, perhaps in ASP.Net

My friend gets parts lists in invoices (they are in an excel
spreadsheet) that he has to classify as a certain type: eg. part
number 111-111-111 is type R9, and part 222-222-222 is type 486, etc.

we have a database that is not quite complete, but contains most of
these classifications.

currently, I have him copy the column of parts from the invoice and
save as an excel spreadsheet in a pre-determined place with a
pre-determined name, let's call it "load.xls"

since load.xls is linked in an access query to the d/b of parts
classifications, he just runs a macro that runs the query and exports
it to another spreadsheet, we'll call it "unload.xls"

Now he has a spreadsheet with the partnumbers in one column, and the
classifications in the second column.

he copies the classifications column and pastes it into a new column
next to the original invoice and then sends it along to someone else
for further processing.

I'm trying to see if I can simplify this by perhaps allowing him to
paste it into a web application that will sort of do this in an easier
way, but I'm not sure of the approach to take. Allowing him to be
able to update or edit the database on the fly would also be great, so
if need be, he can add to the d/b or update it on the fly.

Looking for ideas in ASP and/or Access or, co i'm cross
posting this to 3 different newsgroups....thanks if you have any ideas
on an approach to take.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown."


Consider using BizTalk [1]. It is perfect for this type of data mapping
project but your skills may not be up to snuff yet as developing a secure
and robust application using .NET coming from a scripting background
is a real stretch.

<%= Clinton Gallagher, "Twice the Results -- Half the Cost"
Architectural & e-Business Consulting -- Software Development
NET (e-mail address removed)


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