Search for all cells containing a formula



Hi All,

We have a very large complicated excel spreadsheet. Some cells contain
formula, some contain information, some are for the user to input data. This
spreadsheet has evolved over time and we have never thought to protect the
important formula/information and allow access only to cells where the user
can input data until now when we are collating it properly.

Is there some way to search for all the cells that contain formula and those
that contain text only so that we can select them all and protect them in one
fell swoop? I know that if someone wants to unlock the sheet then all
protection is lost, but at least we will have some protection against the
accidental keystroke. We have also made the original a template for added

Any help is appreciated - thanks.

Fiona Nelson


Hey Fiona

Simply select the area in question (this can be the whole sheet) and
press F5, then "Special...", then click the Formulas radio button and
hit ok. This will select all formuale on the sheet.



Thanks Jonathon,

That worked perfectly. I knew there was a shortcut somewhere, I was
searching the wrong help terms. Thanks again.

Fiona Nelson

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