SeaMonkey 1.0 Beta is released


Laurie Flack


It's finally done, the SeaMonkey 1.0 Beta has released now!

Thanks to everyone who helped testing, and to everyone who reported
bugs, and who helped to fix them! I hope you'll continue to support us
in the future, the final 1.0 release hasn't happened yet - and it will
only be the beginning of a series of SeaMonkey releases :)

See for
the Beta announcement,
for what's new in this release, and for downloads...

I hope you'll have fun with the SeaMonkey suite,

Robert Kaiser
SeaMonkey Council member



Laurie said:

It's finally done, the SeaMonkey 1.0 Beta has released now!

Thanks to everyone who helped testing, and to everyone who reported
bugs, and who helped to fix them! I hope you'll continue to support us
in the future, the final 1.0 release hasn't happened yet - and it will
only be the beginning of a series of SeaMonkey releases :)

See for
the Beta announcement,
for what's new in this release, and for downloads...

I hope you'll have fun with the SeaMonkey suite,

Robert Kaiser
SeaMonkey Council member


What is SeaMonkey?


Laurie Flack wrote:
What is SeaMonkey?
Its the Suite which has continued from Mozilla. Comprises web-browser,
advanced e-mail and newsgroup client, IRC chat client, and HTML editing


Imposter said:
On Tue, 20 Dec 2005 10:14:39 GMT, (e-mail address removed) wrote:

Its the Suite which has continued from Mozilla. Comprises web-browser,
advanced e-mail and newsgroup client, IRC chat client, and HTML editing

Will it be able to use Firefox extensions? And how much of the 'old'
Mozilla suite is still there?


I am disapointed about the Icon they chose....

The mozilla one was horrible... fortunatly the FireFox one is one of the
best icons around. Now this? Whis is too abstract... I dont like it..

Icons are important.. more than developers can imagine... and in the
browser the throbber icon is pixilated... shame.....

and they still have this old outdated theme....YUK! this is at least 6 years

You can change the theme... yeah right.. you dont have many options out


Ok please format your computer and install DOS or windows 3.1 at most...
and connect to the internet with a 9600 baud modem, since you are

You should also give up posting on newsgroups... smoke signaling is more


Will it be able to use Firefox extensions? And how much of the 'old'
Mozilla suite is still there?

Mozilla is still around, but development has been halted. It will still get
all the security patches that Firefox gets for the next 2 years. So, it's
still viable.

The problem with both Seamonkey and Mozilla is that there are far fewer
extensions and themes available than for Firefox. It probably wouldn't be
hard at all to adapt FF extensions to them, but nobody in the Mozilla camp
seems very interested.

mike ring

k said:
Ok please format your computer and install DOS or windows 3.1 at
most... and connect to the internet with a 9600 baud modem, since you
are conservative.

You should also give up posting on newsgroups... smoke signaling is
more traditional.
That's a bit snippy for a (top posted) reply to a respected and helpful
subscriber with provenance in this ng, isn't it.

Your post reveals much more about you than about VKP


Vegard Krog Petersen

That's a bit snippy for a (top posted) reply to a respected and helpful
subscriber with provenance in this ng, isn't it.

Your post reveals much more about you than about VKP


Thanks Mike! :)

regards from

Vegard Krog Petersen - Norway -
Solitaire MahJongg guide, Sarah Michelle Gellar Solitaire,
Freeware Logo & symbol, Halma & Chinese Checkers,
Pachisi & Ludo, Freeware Solitaire, My fishy site (fishing
games), a.c.f.g information, Fredrikshald Havfiskeklubb
18+ sites: Firefoxy, Adult Solitaire, Fishy Pictures,
Sexy Chess, Sexy Librarians, Sexy Football

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