Scroll Bar Disappears



or doesn't work right when I use freeze panes. Maybe it is due to too many
tabs in my worksheet???

Gord Dibben

Which scroll bar?

Vertical or horizontal?

Too many sheet tabs in your workbook should have nothing to do with the
scroll bars although you can drag the horizontal bar so far to the right it
becomes invisible.

Drag it back to the left.

Freeze Panes should not affect either scroll bar.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


It is the horizontal scroll bar. It is acting erratically. There are 24
tabs in my workbook, and it works fine on 23 of them. The worksheet that
isn't working properly is very large with a variety of long formulas. There
are about 40 columns on the worksheet. The scroll bar works normally, but as
soon as I do a freeze pane it changes. It doesn't really disappear
completely, it has the left arrow and the bar, but no right arrow. When I
click on the bar, it does nothing except scramble the appearance of the bar.
(The right arrow turns into a series of lines that resemble bar codes, and
the bar does not function at all.) Then when i click 'unfreeze panes' it
magically comes back. I've tried dragging it around, but that only scrambles
the appearance more. Any thoughts???

Gord Dibben

Can't say I've ever run into this.

Sounds more like a Resource issue.

Shot-gunning now<g>

Freezing Panes should not cause a re-calc of the workbook but have you tried
with calculations set to manual?

What else is running?

Can you close out a few running applications to free up some resources?


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