Scripting PTR and A records



I need to add around 1500 entries to dns (Win2k AD
intergrated zone) and would like to script it.

I understand how to create the A record with dnscmd but
how do I create the PTR record.

Is there a better utility to use?

Thanks in advance....

William Stacey

Yes. Notepad. Get your records into a text file (your choice on how to do
that.) Now make your reverse zone a std primary with a file (ie. *.dns
file). Open this file and append your records. Reload the zone and
check/test. Change to ad-integrated if needed. If you have the records
already, this should be 3 minutes and done. If not, then create your script
to create the file in the correct format. Much easier then scripting to add
records if this is a one time deal.


What effect would this have on a large environment of
about 20,000 records?

When I change it to a standard primary zone what will
happen to the other dns servers with an AD copy of the
zone? Would the zone delete or just keep replicating
with the other dns/dc servers still online?

After I update it and convert it back to an AD zone would
the other servers then update themselves with the changes
I made? Will any changes made on other dns servers be

Will this have any effect on users resolving names during
this process?

William Stacey

ahh I did not see the AD zone at first. This is a bit different. I could
not recommend changing only one to a primary, as this used to be an issue (I
think is fixed now but don't know for sure.) I would definatly export (use
*w2k3 dnscmd.exe) the zone first to a text file and do this at night when no
one is using the system if able. Convert all of the AD zones to std
primaries and let ad get this into its head. Delete the other primary zones
from the other dcs, leaving only one dc with a primary zone. Make sure this
zone points to a file on the file system (i.e .../dns/myzone.dns) If not,
delete this zone too and create it again. Once you see the file in
..../dns/*.dns then add your records to it - make sure the format is correct.
Your export from before (dnscmd.exe /zoneexport file.txt)
should be in correct master file format. Now reload the primary zone on the
1st dc. Test your zone with many records (use ping, nslookup, dig, etc.)
When your happy, promo this to an ad integrated zone. Your other dcs should
pick this zone up on next ad replication cycle.

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