Scripting printer setups?



I have a Windows 2000 sp4 server that I need to create over 100 printers on. I've been looking for a scripting solution for this since I really don't want to do it manually
I had found some notes on using MS ScriptIt to automate the creation of the IP ports but couldn't locate the software anywhere
Ideas or solutions appreciated



Walter Schulz

I have a Windows 2000 sp4 server that I need to create over 100 printers on.

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /?
I've been looking for a scripting solution for this since I really don't want to do it manually.
I had found some notes on using MS ScriptIt to automate the creation of the IP ports but couldn't locate the software anywhere.
Ideas or solutions appreciated.

ScriptIt is no longer available at MS. Use AutoIt instead

Please give more details: Network printers, shared printers, local

Ciao, Walter

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