Script Password



I want to roll out a script to clients through GPO startup script.
I want the script to change the administrator password .

Is their someone who knows how to do that or have an example on a script.

Have tried the script center cant find any good script to be used in this
Seems like an small script because it will only do one thing .. change the
local password on the administrator account.

Thanks for any answer.

Torgeir Bakken \(MVP\)

Henrik said:
I want to roll out a script to clients through GPO startup script.
I want the script to change the administrator password .

Is their someone who knows how to do that or have an example on a script.

Have tried the script center cant find any good script to be used in this
Seems like an small script because it will only do one thing .. change the
local password on the administrator account.

Thanks for any answer.

To avoid users being able to read the script where the password is
stored, grant read access only for the AD group "Domain Computers"
to the script file.

As long as the Administrator account name is "Administrator", this
batch file will set the password on the account:

@echo off
net.exe user administrator newpassword

As long as the Administrator account name is "Administrator", this
vbscript will set the password on the account:

sNewPassword = "testpassword"
Set oWshNet = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
sComputer = oWshNet.ComputerName

On Error Resume Next
Set oUser = GetObject("WinNT://" & sComputer & "/Administrator,user")
oUser.SetPassword sNewPassword
On Error Goto 0

If you want to change the password instead of setting it (but this
means you will need to be sure that you know the old password on
all the computers), use oUser.ChangePassword instead of
oUser.SetPassword, like this:

oUser.ChangePassword "old pwd here", sNewPassword

If there is a chance that the name of the administrator is not
"Administrator" (e.g. the account is renamed, or you have some
non-English OS versions), you could use this version instead:

sNewPassword = "testpassword"
Set oWshNet = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
sComputer = oWshNet.ComputerName
sAdminName = GetAdministratorName

On Error Resume Next
Set oUser = GetObject("WinNT://" & sComputer & "/" & sAdminName & ",user")
oUser.SetPassword sNewPassword
On Error Goto 0

Function GetAdministratorName()

Dim sUserSID, oWshNetwork, oUserAccount

Set oWshNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set oUserAccounts = GetObject( _
"winmgmts://" & oWshNetwork.ComputerName & "/root/cimv2") _
.ExecQuery("Select Name, SID from Win32_UserAccount" _
& " WHERE Domain = '" & oWshNetwork.ComputerName & "'")

On Error Resume Next
For Each oUserAccount In oUserAccounts
If Left(oUserAccount.SID, 9) = "S-1-5-21-" And _
Right(oUserAccount.SID, 4) = "-500" Then
GetAdministratorName = oUserAccount.Name
Exit For
End if
End Function

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