Script blocking



Two problems:
1. When using the "Edit with" for a script (.vbs) with an
editor like PrimalScript which uses DDE, I get prompted
for an authorisation and if I say OK, the script is
executed! This is NOT what should happen...

2. As I develop a lot of scripts for admin purpose, I
wanted to disable the Application Checkpoint for Scripts
but then I hit 2 new problems:
a) the checkpoint is still active for DDE
b) it seems that I cannot reactivate the checkpoint

Sorry if this is a known problem...


Bill Sanderson

These are both known problems, but we have no mechanism for posting such.

You can fix problem 2 by doing an update install--control panel, add or
remove programs, Microsoft Antispyware, change, update.

I'd recommend shutting down Microsoft Antispyware while working with
scripts, until another beta version is released.

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