screen settings



On my new computer the small icons and some other graphs are not as smooth as
before. You can actually see the pixels. The same goes for some graphics on
the internet. For expample: the colourfull letters of the google site are not
smooth but edgey. How can I adjust my screen settings so everything is smooth


ps changing the resolution doesn't help


First, tell us, is your monitor LCD or CRT? If it is an LCD, set it to the
recommended 'native' resolution.


It's a laptop so i guess LCD. And it's brand new, so i didn't change anything
yet. It's just when i compare with my desktop coputer, all the smaller icons
seme so edgey.



Well, you didn't say it was a laptop, which would make a difference due to
the smaller size of the screen, compared to your desktop PC.. Always give
all info for us to help...I would think, if you have , say a 15inch screen
on your laptop, and screens on laptops vary according to quality, the icons
will scale down and may not be as 'crisp' as your larger desktop monitor.
Some large 19inch LCD monitors vary a great deal in image quality also, that
is why you hafta look at them side by side....While this isn't your
situation with your laptop because it is part of the computer, the smaller
screen on cheaper laptops are still awful usually, compared to a larger
sized CRT or LCD. One reason I never bought a laptop, plus I have no
practical use for one.

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