screen resolution in


Robert Bull

I have created an app on my machine where the resolution is
set to 1280 x 1024. When my users view the form on their screen, some
of the controls display differently than on my screen. One solution I
have is to use some javascript to determine the resolution of their
screen and redirect them to a duplicate form suited better for their
resolution but I would have to maintain multiple forms. Anybody know
of a better way to handle resolution problems in Thanks in


Hermit Dave

depending upon how long one has been coding on the web, you do face the
problem. There are a couple of ways.

a. Fix the minimum size at one point a good few years back 800x600 was
optimum for general viewing.
what you would do is fix the size of the table and that would control
whether you get scrollbars or you dont. and how and where everything is
b. You could also use percentages the only problem being that it will look
different on different resolutions.
c. you could set the parameters witdh programmatically by detecting the user
screen settings.



Hermit Dave


One solution I
have is to use some javascript to determine the resolution of their
screen and redirect them to a duplicate form

Screen resolution has nothing to do with the size of a web page. The size of
the web page is based on the size of the web browser's viewport. This
doesn't have a direct correlation to screen resolution unless you can
guarantee that all users will be browser with their browser maximized on a
desktop computer without their bookmarks/history pane open.

Which is hard to do.
Anybody know
of a better way to handle resolution problems in

It's not really an's a general web design issue. Whenever
you can, don't design for any specific size. Use a fluid/liquit layout and
let the end-user make the decision.



a. Fix the minimum size at one point a good few years back 800x600 was
optimum for general viewing.

A fixed size is ok, but there's really no such thing as 'opimum' size.
Browser viewports can vary wildely from the PDA user to the high-res
maximized browser user to the multi-screened, multi-browser poweruser.
c. you could set the parameters witdh programmatically by detecting the user
screen settings.

Detect the browser viewport size...screen size won't tell you how big their
browser viewport actually is.


bruce barker

you also have to handle the system font size. to see this, on your machine
go into display properties, under advanced, select large fonts.

you should use flow layout, and design to a resonable size, say 800x600

-- bruce (

Hermit Dave

darrel said:
A fixed size is ok, but there's really no such thing as 'opimum' size.
Browser viewports can vary wildely from the PDA user to the high-res
maximized browser user to the multi-screened, multi-browser poweruser.

If you read my post carefully... i said a few years back. There were hardly
any PDAs. So all you programmed for was normal pcs.
Yes you could have people with 1600x1200 res and 21inch monitors but how
many of them will you find ? By Optimum i mean something that used to go
with majority of web users at that point.
Detect the browser viewport size...screen size won't tell you how big their
browser viewport actually is.

Yes there are a lot of other things to consider but it gives you a rough



Hermit Dave


By Optimum i mean something that used to go
with majority of web users at that point.

I understand. My point is that screen resolution doesn't correlate directly
with browser viewport size.
Yes there are a lot of other things to consider but it gives you a rough

I find it a red herring type of statistic that slowly become sort of a
believable urban legend...that everyone browses the internet on a desktop PC
with a monitor set to 600x800 using Internet Explorer on Windows with a
maximized window and no extra panes or toolbars showing and these three
fonts installed and have 20/20 vistion and...

The above sounds logical. You'd think, yea, I suppose most people would do
that. But once you begin thinking that, you're not thinking in the context
of the web anymore. You're thinking about a fixed, consistent canvas. And
the web simply isn't a fixed, consistant canvas.

So I usually try to knock that line of thinking out of a web developers head
as soon as I can. ;o)

Once a developer understands that, then it becomes much easier to know when
it is OK to make a fixed size interface...typically when developing a web
application targetted at a specific audience...and they become much more
cogniscant of the fact that web design is much more about suggestiong things
than dictating things to the end user. ;o)


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