Screen resolution changes


Will Buntin

I have just installed a new computer for one of my users
and every time she launches Excel, her screen resolution
changes back to 800 x 600. If she's got Excel open, and
changes her resolution back to where she wants it (1280 x
720?), Excel keeps that resolution. However, once she
exits Excel and restarts it, her resolution goes back to
800 x 600. Launching other programs does not seem to
cause this same problem.

I have tried running "Excel /s" which results in the same
resolution change. I also deleted the book template in
the XLSTART folder with no effect.

Any suggestions?

Dave Peterson

First, I don't have a suggestion.

But does this happen with any other application?

What version of Windows are you running? In win98, I didn't see any setting
that would do this. But maybe a newer version of windows can do this (right
click on excel.exe and check the properties?????).

Anything special with the video card? (a wild and crazy guess...)

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