scanning error while trying to tansfer files with WET



While trying to transfer files & folders from my old XP to new Vista machine
I recieved the following error message: "there was an error scanning data on
your system, Windows Easy Transfer will now be canceled." The two computers
were communicating with each other.


I got same error. Using USB xfer cable. Win XP SP2 > Vista Home Premium.

Program hanged on ordinary JPG picture file.


Timely1 said:
While trying to transfer files & folders from my old XP to new Vista machine
I recieved the following error message: "there was an error scanning data on
your system, Windows Easy Transfer will now be canceled." The two computers
were communicating with each other.


Also have the same problem. I have two laptops one made the transfer with no
issues, the other does the same thing that yours is doing


I'm having the same problem. Old computer running XP. Computers are both on
my home network and communicating. I tried turning of my virus scan and
firewall. I tried sharing the folder. Nothing in the knowledge base.


Sounds like a plan but I can't find the diagerr.xml file. I searched the
entire harddrive and couldn't find it. Any ideas?


Thanks. I found the file (needed to view system/hidden files. I'm not sure
what it is telling me:

Here is the xml error message:

"- <rs:data>
<z:row Cls="D" Sev="33554432" Maj="Def" Min="Def" LN="602" Fil=""
Fun="Mig::CAgentManager::Detect" Uid="34079118" Msg="CAgentManager: agent
DocsAgent threw an exception during Detect: class Mig::BadFormatException:
CFilePattern::ValidateAndSavePattern, Invalid pattern c:\program
files\ahead\* [*.h264/avc]. void __thiscall
Mig::CFilePattern::ValidateAndSavePattern(class UnBCL::String *,class
UnBCL::String *)" PID="5640" TID="5724" Con="" Exe="C:\Documents and
Settings\Dad\My Documents\Easy Transfer Monday\MigWiz\migwiz.exe"
Mod="migcore.dll" Err="2" MD="" DT="2007-08-06T22:05:27" />
<z:row Cls="D" Sev="33554432" Maj="Def" Min="Def" LN="198" Fil=""
Fun="CThreadStart_EarlyDiscover::Invoke" Uid="34080669" Msg="Unhandled
exception in EarlyDiscover: class Mig::BadFormatException:
CFilePattern::ValidateAndSavePattern, Invalid pattern c:\program
files\ahead\* [*.h264/avc]. class Mig::CMigUnitList *__thiscall
Mig::CAgentManager::Detect(class Mig::CPlatform *,class Mig::CUserContext *)
void __thiscall Mig::CFilePattern::ValidateAndSavePattern(class UnBCL::String
*,class UnBCL::String *)" PID="5640" TID="5724" Con="" Exe="C:\Documents and
Settings\Dad\My Documents\Easy Transfer Monday\MigWiz\migwiz.exe"
Mod="migcore.dll" Err="2" MD="" DT="2007-08-06T22:05:27" />

Does that give you a hint?


I did a little more research and deciphered the error message. It was
choking on H246/avd. I will delete it from the file type and see what
happens. I'll let you know. Thanks again for the help.

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