scanner & camera wizard-



I have read Yves advice once before, but still cant figure out what it is
that I am doing wrong. WHen I connect my dig camera to the pc (by usb) to
download pic's @ my work computer, the scanner and wizard comes on. I like
that.> BUT when I do the same @ my home pc, I have to manually go to my
computor and use the folders DCIM & 100media that is located in the
removable drive "F". I want to just use the scanner and wizard. The name of
the camera is not shown in "my Comp" anywhere. Just removable disk (F)-At my
work, its (G)-
At both pc's, when I plug in the camera to pc, the ding dong sound is heard
and the lcd screen on camera shows PC. SO, can you help me do the steps so
that I can use the scanner wizard @ my home. DOnt like to have to keep going
to my computor and clicking on those folders all the time. THANKS for your

Yves Alarie

It is difficult to help because we don't know what you tried to repair.
However, we know that XP does recognize your camera via the USB port.
Can you at least answer this:
1. Right click on your camera listed as a removable drive and click on
Autoplay on the opening menu. Does Autoplay opens?
2. Did you try downloading autofix.exe
If you did, what kind of message did you get after running it?

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