Scandinavian letters in web folder or document names



I have several hyperlinks to other Word or PowerPoint files in a document
which is saved on Windows SharePoint services library. Documents to which
hyperlinks point are saved in other libraries that have scandinavian letters
in their names. For some reason, all scandic letters in library or document
names are replaced with hex-codes like %6F etc (like spaces are replaced with
%20). Hyperlink files won't open, as the path is nonsense. Anyone seen this
and managed somehow get over it ?

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?cGVwZXJh?=,
I have several hyperlinks to other Word or PowerPoint files in a document
which is saved on Windows SharePoint services library. Documents to which
hyperlinks point are saved in other libraries that have scandinavian letters
in their names. For some reason, all scandic letters in library or document
names are replaced with hex-codes like %6F etc (like spaces are replaced with
%20). Hyperlink files won't open, as the path is nonsense. Anyone seen this
and managed somehow get over it ?
You really need to ask this in a newsgroup targeted at SHAREPOINT. This group is
populated by Word end-users. While "we" may use Sharepoint, the knowledge base
about how it works is small, at best :)

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)



Cindy, I have to disagree. As I am also a Word enduser, how am I supposed to
know if the error is SharePoint or Word ?

This "hex-conversion" happens, when I open Insert Hyperlink-dialog and try
to insert a document from SharePoint library. When I click document name that
resides in library named with scandinavian letters, path to document is
filled with hex-codes. If I press ok accepting the path, hyperlink is created
in main document but of course, when Ctrl+click link, it won't work.

"Cindy M." kirjoitti:

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?cGVwZXJh?=,
Cindy, I have to disagree. As I am also a Word enduser, how am I supposed to
know if the error is SharePoint or Word ?

This "hex-conversion" happens, when I open Insert Hyperlink-dialog and try
to insert a document from SharePoint library. When I click document name that
resides in library named with scandinavian letters, path to document is
filled with hex-codes. If I press ok accepting the path, hyperlink is created
in main document but of course, when Ctrl+click link, it won't work.
Nonetheless, you're more likely to find "peers" in a Sharepoint group that can
explain what's happening, and perhaps suggest a fix. Although, if you're not part of
the IT group responsible for maintaining the Sharepoint site, it might be better if
you first ask those folks :)

There's certainly nothing in the Word interface you can change to make the hyperlinks
appear or work differently.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply in
the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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