SB X-Fi sound not working with Vista



I recently upgraded to windows vista and my SD X-Fi no longer works. I've
gone through every setting possible but there is no sound. Is there some
special driver I need? Suggestions?

Colin Barnhorst

Yes, you need a Vista driver. 32bit for Vista x86 and 64bit for Vista x64.
You don't give any information about your computer, the version of Vista, or
the full id of the card so no one knows what you need.


Hi Brad,

You need the Vista driver for your specific card. The one you currently have
is probably for XP and, as such, will not work in Vista. Since you didn't
provide full details of your soundcard, I cannot provide a link to the
specific driver. However, I provide a link to the Sound Blaster main page
from Creative and you can work your way to the correct driver from there.


Thanks guys for the quick replies. I have a Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Audio.
I'll try the latest drivers and let you know!




Unfortunately that did not work. It's been a while since I've attacked this
problem and I remember trying the driver update a few months ago.

If I remember correctly, the sound card worked for a while, but then I
plugged in USB headphones and after a couple days of strange issues (the
headphones not working for some apps, the speakers not working for others),
the speakers stopped working completely.

I've screwed around with the windows mixer app to try and get my SB X-Fi
working correctly, and it shows volume and sound levels on the mixer, but
nothing comes out of the speakers. I've tried other speakers as well.

Thanks for the help guys.

Cari \(MS-MVP\)

Physically remove the card, startup the PC without it in place, then turn
off the PC and replace it... if you have another free slot, try it in that

Then start the PC again and see if this time Vista gets it right.


Hi Brad,

Thanks for the information. I provide a direct link to the relevant download
page for your convenience. Download and save all items on this page. You said
in a previous post in this thread that the problem started shortly after
using USB headphones. This is quite a good clue. Did you have to install any
drivers for the headphones? If so, you will need to uninstall them.
Personally, although I haven't tried any form of USB audio device, I don't
recommend them unless you have no choice and I certainly wouldn't use them if
you are not using the onboard audio. What appears to have happened is that
you have some form of driver conflict on your system. Uninstall your current
audio driver and then turn off your pc and remove the audio card. With the
card removed, restart your system. Once again, turn off your pc, reinsert the
card into a different slot (if available) and restart your system. This
should force your system to redetect the card. At this point, a message
should appear requesting that you load drivers for this device. Close this
message and instead open the folder/file which you downloaded from my link
previously. You are looking for a file with the name
'XFXA_PCDRV_LB_1_04_0078.exe', and it is this file which contains the driver.
Follow the instructions on the screen (for more details, click on the 'Show
Details...'). You will probably need to restart your system to complete the
installation, but check with the instructions.

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