Saving txt files with IE 6



While viewing HTML files in IE 6, I have the need to save some text
information in a txt file. When I do this, it seems to delete all the HTML
code and just leave the text. Unfortunately for my application, it does not
add any Returns at the end of the lines. However, if I have IE 6 save the
file in HTML format, and then load it into Word 2002 and save as a txt file,
I get what I want.....a pure txt file but with Returns to give the page the
same appearance in text format in Notepad as it had in HTML format in Word or
IE 6. However, this is very inconvenient for the users.

Does anyone know of a way to get IE 6's "Save As" function to work the same
way as Word does for converting HTML to txt files?

Rob Parsons

Do you have wordwrap turned on in your text viewing program (notepad?,
write?). Also some sites will remove the newline characters from their
source code to make it harder for novices to read and to protect their
source code.
Perhaps also try the menu option View/Source... If your users have this
disabled in their corporate version of IE you can type the following command
in the Address Bar of IE

view-source: address of the page you want to view

You can download a toolbar button from this from (my site).
On the front page you will find near the bottom links for downloads for the
View Source button.

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