Saving selections in a multi-select list box



I have a list box that is querying a table for its data - it is a list of
processes, and the associated procedure steps for those processes. I need to
allow users to select multiple procedure steps (i.e. steps 1 and 2-6 for
process A) and have those saved in the record for that evaluation. I have a
multi-selection (extended selection) list box, and it is showing me what I
want it to, but it will not save the selections. I have even created a 'save
record' button to see if that will help - it saves the record, just not the
selections. Help would be greatly appreciated!


Where do you want to save the selections to? You can build a make-table or
append query and run it using a button that has an event or macro.


I currently have a field in the primary table, but if I need a separate table
that is associated, I could do that - the evaluations have a unique
identifier (an autonumber field) that is already defined as the primary key.
How would I go about that?


It sounds like you want to save "evaluations have a unique identifier" from
an Autonumber field back to the same field. Is this correct?

You do know that autonumber fields are unique and you can not save numbers
from that field back into the same field.


No, not wanting to save the autonumber back.

I have a table for the evaluations, and in that table there are several
fields. One is an autonumber field for that evaluation. Another, separate
field is the process step evaluated, which is what I have the multi-selection
box for and which I am trying to save selections to.


As I said before you can build an append query and run it using a button that
has an event or macro.


Karl, how would I get the multi-selection list box to show what had been
selected once it had been appended? How would I get the selections to
populate to the query? I'm afraid that your answer isn't much help to me
without more information. Thanks for trying.


Karl, how would I get the multi-selection list box to show what had been
selected once it had been appended?
After the data is in the table you do not need the list box display.
Put this as criteria in your append query --

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