Saving Passwords



I followed the instructions posted yesterday to enable
Outlook Express to save passwords. However when I go to
save the old registry file as indicated in the
instructions, I get an error that says the selected path
(protected storage system provider) does not exist even
though I do see it in the registry editor. Any


don't bother with passwords...the folks here will just tell anyone how to
get around them anyway....they come up with stories like I forgot my pet parakeet typed a new password...and yet some of the
folks here will jump right in and tell these charlatans how to get around

Thorsten Matzner

Jeff said:
I followed the instructions posted yesterday to enable
Outlook Express to save passwords. However when I go to
save the old registry file as indicated in the
instructions, I get an error that says the selected path
(protected storage system provider) does not exist even
though I do see it in the registry editor. Any

Use EruNT ( instead.

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