Saving Macro to Personal Workbook



When trying to save a macro to my personal macro workbook, I get the message:

'Personal Macro workbook in the startup folder must stay open for recording'

It then fails to save to macro.

Any ideas why this is occuring?

Gord Dibben


From a post by Dave Peterson....................................

Maybe personal.xls was disabled...

xl2002+ has the abililty to quarantine what it thinks are bad workbooks.

They can keep track of them so that it doesn't even try to open them.

If you look under Help|About MS Excel, you'll see a button called: "Disabled

Check under there to see if it's marked not to open. You can enable it there,

If the workbook is really bad, you may want to delete that copy and put a copy
of your backup version into your XLStart folder.

End Dave's post..............................................

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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