Saving groups of old emails outside outlook



Hi, I have folders full of emails for projects no longer active. I have
exported the folder as a pst. And saved that within the old project folder,
should I need to go back to them at some time.

Issue is if someone else wants to open the pst, permissions will not allow
them to. I can't find any where to change these permissions to give everyone
full access.

A) is there a better way to save folders full of old emails (which anyone
can then access. and / or B) Is there a way to change the properties so
anyone can open and view them?

Thanks for any suggestions/help


Hi Judy,
Further information

Generally our Outlook is 2003, although newer machines are having 2007.
The platform is Exchange 6.5.7, it is mounted on SBS 2003, I don't know if
this makes any difference.
As for add-ins nothing comes to mind. Would you expect any?

Basically I just want to remove a large amount of emails from outlook
folders, with the ability that someone can access them if required at a later
date. I don't know if exporting to pst is the best way, but it's what came
to mind.


Judy Gleeson \(MVP Outlook\)

As you have Exchange, a simple way to share old emails and other Outlook
items is to use Public Folders (they have folder level permission levels)
and drag stuff to these. Many of my clients use that approach.

Another common approach is to use one of the many add-ins that work with
Outlook to improve filing.

I hope this helps you at least a little bit!

Judy Gleeson
MVP Outlook
Outlook trainer and author of Productiv_IT with Outlook

read my articles here:
Canberra, Australia

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Sorry for not clarifying this better, these emails are currently in Public
Folders, but they are then in folder projects which are no longer active, so
I wish to remove them and their folders from the public folders area.

But if the folder and emails ares exported as pst. Only the person who
creates the pst has permissions to re-import it.

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