Saved Movie does not Play properly



Issue: Downloaded Movie from Cannon ZR 25 w/ to view and edit
movie within Movie Maker...saved movie fine...when playback on microsoft
player movie plays, but with wierd coloration distortions. Audio is fine
during playback and do see movie through rainbow of colors. Please help.


Don't know if this will help, but I have the same problem. I downloaded a
free pocket player called BSplayer ver. 1.10 and the wma's that would not
play correctly in Windows Media Player play just fine in BS Player. That
seems to eliminate Windows Movie Maker and the codecs as possible problem
areas. The problem appears to be Windows Media Player 9 not being able to
play wma files correctly for some reason. If you save the file a AVI from
Windows Movie Maker, Windows Media Player will work OK, but the file size is
crazy (way to big).

I plan to keep looking. No one seems to want to talk about the problem, but
you are not the onl one. Let me know if you find out anything. I need to get
this problem fixed without downloading Media Player 10. Who knows if it will



Hello Silver,
Install this:

With that new CoDec you can even play DVD (w/ sound) in your PC or Download Classic Media Player (much better than MS Media

Tell us if this helps,

Issue: Downloaded Movie from Cannon ZR 25 w/ to view and edit
movie within Movie Maker...saved movie fine...when playback on microsoft
player movie plays, but with wierd coloration distortions. Audio is fine
during playback and do see movie through rainbow of colors. Please help.


I'm glad to see that someone else is having a similar problem. I tried
making a movie with WMM for the first time. It's captured fine, and I can
play it ok in the storyboard, but when I saved it to my computer(couldn't
save it to disk, as it hung up at 58%), and then tried to play it back in
Media Player, and InterVideo, the colors were distored. Now, I noticed the
file you mentioned, but my question is, is it another player, or does it work
with Media Player. also, I noticed reference to saving my movie as an .avi
file. Can I do this in WMM to a movie already created? Thanks for any
additional information anyone can give.


Hello Patty,
I really wrote in very simple English and hoping no need for explaining it.

Did you click my first link and read what it says?

OK, here is my explanation; The first link is NOT another Media Player BUT a CoDec:
Yes, it will make your MS Media Player play DVD and with sound. Before you install it --- try play a DVD movie --- it has no
sound! Correct?

Yes, the last link (click the word "download") is another Classic Medial Player, very simple designed but very powerful and
wouldn't eat-up your PC resources. Disregard a web page that appear BUT wait for a small download windows appears. Save it and
install then test it.

Hope this clear up all doubts and if you only try it --- guaranteed wouldn't destroy your PC.

Tell us if you're happy now,

I'm glad to see that someone else is having a similar problem. I tried
making a movie with WMM for the first time. It's captured fine, and I can
play it ok in the storyboard, but when I saved it to my computer(couldn't
save it to disk, as it hung up at 58%), and then tried to play it back in
Media Player, and InterVideo, the colors were distored. Now, I noticed the
file you mentioned, but my question is, is it another player, or does it work
with Media Player. also, I noticed reference to saving my movie as an .avi
file. Can I do this in WMM to a movie already created? Thanks for any
additional information anyone can give.


Be careful !!! As far as I can tell there is nothing wrong with the codecs.
There is something wrong with Windows Media Player. I have two additional
programs that can run WMVs and both of them display properly with the
existing codecs.

Be careful with RINO's suggestion to replace your present codecs with his.
That can get you in alot of trouble. If they don't work then you may have a
real problem ever getting rid of them.

I tried to update to Windows Media Player 10 over the weekend to see if that
fixed the problem, but after a long download the install said it could not
continue at that time and shut down. It did delete the wmv3 codecs and I had
to restore them. It appears the most of Microsofts servers were down this
weekend of all times.



Thank you Michael,
I also think there is something wrong with Windows Media Player. I also
picked up another program, and was able to complete my task rather simply, no
need to install different codecs. I was not comfortable with making changes
in the codec. Probably won't bother with WMM again.
Thanks again Michael.


No Rino, your message wasn't clear, that's why I asked for clarification.You
asked if tyour comments helped, they didn't. What you provided I felt was an
unnecessary comment, additional, you still had to go back and give more
clarification to your original post; you also may want to make sure the
grammar is correct, it makes understanding you and the help you're trying to
give a little easier. If you read my comments, I never mentioned a problem
with sound, only the color distortion.


Yes Patty, if you only try it you will believe it helps. Rest assure you're happy now with that new software. And if you want WMM
and WMP again that websites are always there and waiting for you. Thanks for your reply.

This is to clarify matter of this nature:
1. If anybody think I'm posting computer virus here. I can assure you that it wouldn't happen because I want this Newsgroup or
Forum alive and kicking. Below are ways you could check for yourself.

2. First of all my well about is already known to your MVP's here. Rest assure they can go after me if need be. If viruses
detected they can strike-out my postings or have me grounded and be accountable or face the music.

3. Anybody who can read this will attest that I am not a computer hacker or virus developer but a MM2 user like you. Willing to
learn new tricks and volunteering to gives my time. Any notorious hacker wouldn't show up and talk to you by giving all these

4. I want everybody to check any files they have downloaded. I know everybody this days have Anti Virus (a/v) installed BUT do you
really know how to use it? I can answer it for you. Don't be afraid to download because it just stayed in a folder DOING NOTHING
THERE. This is assuming you've created earlier a Download folder. After downloaded ---DO NOT IMMEDIATELY OPEN THE FILE OR
ATTACHMENT FILE. Check it first; Right Click the suspicious file and choose Scan with your Anti Virus Program. You can also check
the whole folders you selected to scan.

5. Be smart and consult with others who knows how to test it before giving those warning notice here. If you have not tested
it --- be quite and pass it to some one who is more qualify.

6. That two websites are NOT mine and I have nothing to do with them. Because I have tested it and did help me so I pass it on. I
knew there are lots of codec there but this one worked on me and maybe on you because we used the same software's. Can you tell it
wouldn't work without trying them? As every suggestions we gives are not 100% sure will fix your problems. The more suggestions
the better and nothing will screwed up you PC if you only know how to revert to old healthy state PC. Any software or codec you
installed lately will be deleted or not being there --- it's like a Time Machine go back to time.

7. Configured your a/v to scan your download files and also your eMail messages as it Receiving and Sending. See mine below --- it
always tell you --- found at bottom most.

8. Configured your a/v to auto upgrade virus definitions or get them by weekly. Because new viruses are born almost weekly so you
must wisely get their anti-dot (virus definitions) in order to detect them.

9. Yes, some websites and even download sites has virus and even the downloaded file has virus. Tip: Don't ever forget to virus
scan your hard drives after surfing the Internet. I always did before I go to sleep. Yes, including those Spy & Ad's Wares if you
wants your PC run faster.

10. You can buy a CPU for under $40 or reused your old PC. Used that to test download suspicious file. Install only 4 programs: An
O.S., Browser, eMail client, and a/v. With this PC you can practice how to format your hard drive when virus strikes, etc.

11. By using Networking you can transfer all good files to your main PC.

12. Who is afraid of viruses this time?

These list of clarifications are not intended to hurt any one feeling BUT to gives my side of the story. Even though I'm hurt BUT
I can still forgive any one. If this is the case maybe I'll stay away for good. It's likes a river of running water --- some one
will surely come.

Thank You For Your Understanding And Wishing More Hopes For This Newsgroup,

No Rino, your message wasn't clear, that's why I asked for clarification.You
asked if tyour comments helped, they didn't. What you provided I felt was an
unnecessary comment, additional, you still had to go back and give more
clarification to your original post; you also may want to make sure the
grammar is correct, it makes understanding you and the help you're trying to
give a little easier. If you read my comments, I never mentioned a problem
with sound, only the color distortion.

John Kelly


Its a complete waste of time dealing with rino....he invents a question
when he does not like yours and then gives a bad reply to the invented
question!!! He has been told politely several times and more forcibly many
times.....he apparently does not understand the concept that he has
misunderstood the question or comment only have to read his
reply to your most recent comment about his reply being unnecessary and not
Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work

John Kelly




Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work


To JK,

1. You always says you never read my posts --- how come you knew everything?

2. Time wasted is not yours --- who told you to read?

3. My clarifications is just a clarifications (read all about it!) you can use my guide lines on how to tackle viruses --- if you
chose not to practice it --- who is forcing you anyway?

4. Why you showing all those hates inside you? In our country hate is a crime!

5. If English is your ONLY tang language WHY angrily interpret your way? What clarifications No. or parts you hated most? If its
really wrong --- must you implement it? Cannot you understand? That clarifications are my story! You thought this is your BIG
chance to attack me again? Go ahead and continue your style of posting news and if it is news to you. As you know, it is a person
attitude, and not his aptitude that determine his altitude. A wise man reflect before he speaks, a fool speaks and the reflects on
what he has uttered.

6. If you really know better what I'm trying to clarified --- I invite you to post them and not driving any person you hated to
go away. You thought you owned this place?

7. My very last points of that clarifications is generally centered on computer virus because of it everybody are afraid to try
for a new codec. I'm not afraid to installed as many audio and video codecs as new designs are coming up for that particular new
application and nothing will destroy my PC --- unless you crash it with a hammer.

8. I told you that I can forgive you, I told you to change for the better in this Newsgroup, I told you to be a good friend, I
told you not to follow me and wrote your follow-up, I told you not to attack anyone BUT to invite them, etc, etc --- you never did
all of that.

I can still add more BUT it is becoming very ugly to continue.

Please forgive me Lord for what I've said and please open JK eyes so he can also see the lights and don't leave him behind. Amen



Its a complete waste of time dealing with rino....he invents a question
when he does not like yours and then gives a bad reply to the invented
question!!! He has been told politely several times and more forcibly many
times.....he apparently does not understand the concept that he has
misunderstood the question or comment only have to read his
reply to your most recent comment about his reply being unnecessary and not
Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work


Sorry that you all got sideways over my little old question. Wow. I still
don't know what to do. I don't know who to belive. Silver OUt. ..


PLEASE tell me what "another program" you picked up--I'm having the same
exact problem saving (even the 58% deal) and really need to make it work to
give as a gift this weekend!--Please help if you can!

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