"Save web page" hangup problem




How to stop a "Save web page" in progress when it just
sits there at 0%, for what seems like hours without
getting anywhere?

If use Task Manager (ctrl+alt+del), it crashes all open
programs, websites, etc. and back to square 1.

Historically, using at least 3 different Win versions,
pressing the "X" or "cancel" keys (umpteen times
per incident) worked only maybe once or twice.

Makes little sense to have the 'X' and 'cancel' tabs in
a message box if they never or hardly ever work. Aside
from that, it's a very time-consuming & frustrating
experience, specially when net is sluggish - as is
usual around here.

Is there any way out?

Ron Sommer

What folder are you saving to?
Has the page completely downloaded before you try to save?
Is your Temporary Internet Files folder empty?
Why did you post to the XPgeneral newsgroup?


15:52 14-Jul-06 / Win XP Gen

First off, I thank you kindly for your reply. As I said,
haven't had much luck w/ this query. It's apparently of low
priority to the rest of the world. So be it.

1. Usually temp save to "DeskTop" or "new folder" I make up.

2. Download completed - far as I know; says "Done" down below.

However, now that you mention it, I've had quite a few cases
lately where there was a long lag (even though it said "done")
where some graphic bits may not have had arrived yet at the
time (or could not be displayed in a timely manner); or where
even the whole page was blank for a long time. No clue as to
why it says "done" when it's obviously not.

I realize that this could be ONE problem/cause - but not the
whole story, don't believe. Over the years it's happened too
frequently for that - seems like 10 - 25% of the time, per
day, on some days, on any usual OS version you'd care to name
and on any net connection - dial-up, ADSL - and at various
different locations and with different Service Providers.

Nowadays, I get the 'lag' a lot with Adobe .pdf files I
download from Tech Republic. They seem to load down in portions
that say "done" when only that portion is "done" - and pretty
soon another portion starts to download unexpectedly and so on.

If I close the file when it says "done", I might later find
I've gotten only 3 of 10 pages, etc. But I mention this just
in passing. It's not the main aggro. Moreover, for the issue
at hand, there's nothing to 'close' because nothing ever
really downloads. It hangs in space somewhere and stays there.

At my current location here, on ADSL, there's also a drastic
slow-down problem during periods of heavy rain (from an average
of 50-100 KBPS to as low as 500 bps! and cut-off some times).
This doesn't help the situation any but, again, not the main

A major (tho' not THE major) point is, it can happen anytime,
anywhere to me - as if the devil were on my back, wherever I go,
or, I've got some horribly wrong setting or something somewhere;
but that can't be because then it would do it ALL the time, I'd

3. I've been clearing my Temporary Internet files regular as
clockwork. In fact I do a Disk Cleanup *AT LEAST* once a week.

I go thru History, Cookies, Recents, Recycle, Temps, what have
you, all the time. I'm paranoid that way. I hunt crap down
thru practically every folder and sub-folder in the hierarchy
- manually; and sometimes w/ some of those cleaners.

Got 2 full-time anti-virus programs working, plus WinPatrol,
Adaware and Spybot on the line. Got a rootkit thing now too
(tho' that's probably hopeless).

However, your point is well taken. I'll pay immediate
attention to Temp Internet files next time it happens.

4. I posted here and plenty elsewhere, outside the MS Network -
and including "... Networking and the Web". You are the
first and only one to ever have replied to this query - so

This thing is driving me out of my gourd.

The worst part is when the net is real slow and a lot of
the saves get up to 98% (which takes minutes sometimes)
and then suddenly abort with "The web page could not be
saved to the current location".

In around half of those cases, even "html only" won't work;
and I've even had a case or two where, incomprehensibly,
save in "text" format gave me the same error.


Well, I think that about covers it. Pardon if I've left out
the kitchen sink.

Finally, allow me to highlight the real issue at hand (I may
not have put adequate emphacis on it in my post), which is:

Why does the *CANCEL* tab and the *close* [X] never work
at the error message box?

If someone could get MS to make it do what it is obviously
designed to do and purported to do AND supposed to do, the
issue would be closed for me. It'd be a compromise, true,
but a good one. At least it would keep the old blood
pressure down.

Instead of having to go thru the agony of the long wait,
the ultimate hangup, the crash and all that productive time
down the tube trying to get back to square 1, all I'd have
to do is click "CANCEL" in the confidence that it would
terminate just that particular operation instantly - so
that, if I wanted to, I could immediately thereafter follow
up with a retry - not half an hour later.

That's basically all I'm after. Don't think it's to much
to ask. If there's some reason why it utterly can't be
fixed, it'd still be helpful to know why.

As I said, I can't believe I'm the only one with this
problem (though it almost seems so). If I am, I'd sure
appreciate it if someone would please let me know.

Well, thank you for your valuable time and your ear
(which must be pretty well bent by now). Just wanted to
make all as clear as possible in one go. Saves on the
back and forth.



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