Save Security settings?



Knows somebody? Is there possible to make your own security settings
save? I ask for the 'Security Settings' option. In the 'Reset custom
settings' there are just standard options offered: "High, Medium, Medium-low
and Low. Is there possible user to choose his own settings configuration and
then save them under his own quoted name?

If somebody has an idea how should it be done?


p.s. Is my message ok?

Don Varnau

If you change selected items in Security> Internet Zone> Custom Level and OK
your way out without clicking on "Reset" they should save.



Yes. But sometimes there should be neccessary to save and make more
different ways then one. It is not convenient to 'run' through the options
and then to make the different set. I think that it would be more convenient
if it is possible to save each individual settings under exact name e.g.
'set1','set2' and so on and then switch them separately. It is convenient
for the different kinds of web sites that an user considers may have
different kinds of malicious content.

Thank You very much!

Don Varnau

You do have a choice of 3 zones for each website... Internet, Trusted or
Restricted. I don't know of a way to customize it beyond that.


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