Save/overwrite record?



Howdy gang,

Sounds simple; I've a form with a few subforms. What I'd like to be able to
do is access the master form record via the form, then just modify that
record by attaching a subform record to that master record.

However, if that subform record already exists, all I'm trying to do is
attach it to the parent record via the form and subform. But, I'm getting a
message indicating that I'm violating referential integrity; obviously, the
system thinks I'm trying to add a duplicate record to the table referenced by
the subform. Am I missing an obvious setting that will compel the system to
NOT try to add that subrecord?

If this isn't clear so far, let me add an example. My form has customer
info; I've 3 different subforms that each reference a piece of equipment, all
from different tables. What I'd LIKE to do is be able to find an existing
customer record with the form and enter an existing piece of equipment in the
subform, attaching it to the customer record. But, when I try, I get a
message telling me that I'm trying to add a duplicate piece of equipment to
the table referenced by the subform.

I hope someone gets this and responds as I'm starting to wonder if I'm
missing a fundamental aspect of Access.

Hope this is clear and thanks very much in advance,


More like an addendum. I thought the original post was a little to abstract,
so I tried to flesh it out a bit.

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